This is a home fitness challenge designed to be used during the covid-19 lock down. However it could be used in school or for general fitness.
see instructional video
word doc is for recording scores and showing progress.
the idea is to do it every week and check progress
you could then discuss or set questions as to why it gets easier or times decrease.
Powerpoint and worksheet for Health, Fitness and Well being sections of GCSE PE. Designed for AQA but adapt for any spec.
9 slides and worksheet for complete lesson
powerpoint also contains 3 tasks, guided, pair and independent task.
add info as you wish, the powerpoint assumes a strong teacher knowledge for you to elaborate on points/slides.
you will also need to discuss serotonin.
adapt for your class and teaching style but the hard work has been done
worksheet has 4 x 2 or 3 mark questions
Sedentary lifestyles and obesity
10 slides packed with questions and activities
designed for GCSE PE AQA but adaptable
add videos and change pictures as you wish
includes 1 worksheet to make complete lesson